Meghan Fay's Creative Portfolio

my portfolio and about me hello hello hello

about me

All about me

i love to watch movies, play with my dog, go to class, scroll on my iphone.

My services

i love to eat!

hot dogs are my fav


I am a marketing major

New Media

I am a new media major also!


I am bad at math do not ask me to do math.


I love technology


Featured work

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Client feedback

I have not had clients yet!

just a few of our clients

Task 5

This task for NMD 200 delves into the topic of addiction to social media and the affects it has on sleep.

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Task 4

Adobe Webpage Link   For my webpage, I tackled the issues that were prompted in the assignment, but also wanted to make it so it

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Task 3

<img class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-24653″ src=”×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”120″ height=”300″ /> For my infographic, I chose to touch on how to reduce screen time and include statistics

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Task 2

For the meme of my choice, I found one that had been stuck in the log of an old group chat. This group chat is

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Task 1

REVISED: Earth Care: My first example of a product that is beneficial to the care of the Earth is Allbird shoes. Allbird shoes are sustainably

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